Enrollment Builders | Learning Center

Is Your Landing Page Worth Landing On?

Written by Jennifer Goode | 1/14/15 9:55 AM

Updated 10/23/2023

You and your staff have been working tirelessly to create great content that is relevant, fun, and shows how well your institution matches the needs of the prospective students you are trying to reach.

You’ve done all the research, you are even working with a few marketing professionals to beautify your ads and their placement and establish calls-to-action that no prospect could resist. But leads just aren’t getting generated as you had hoped. Consider rethinking your landing page.

Oftentimes, when delving into the deep end of a marketing campaign, creating the landing page is the last step of the process … but make sure it’s not the last thing on your mind. Designing a high-functioning, easily understandable landing page is essential to your campaign’s success. The landing page is your “seal the deal” step in generating a potential lead. Is your landing page reinforcing to prospective students that clicking on that call-to-action was a good choice? Or is it leaving them second-guessing that decision? Here are a few things to consider for optimizing your landing page:

#1: Your Landing Page Should Be Recognizable

What does this mean? Make sure your landing page uses the same verbiage and overall style as your ads. If your visitor lands on a page that looks nothing like the designs on the CTA in their email, the ad they clicked, etc., they are far more likely to leave the page without completing the process.

#2: Your Landing Page Should Be Direct

Don’t make your visitors guess what their call-to-action should be; make it abundantly clear by providing them with one easily understandable step and concise, bulleted/numbered copy. Also, make sure they can’t navigate anywhere else from this page, including other parts of your own website. You want to ensure that the only action your visitor has available is the very specific CTA you’ve designed for them.

#3: Your Landing Page Should Offer Something Good That’s Easy To Receive

If you aren’t offering up anything your visitors want, they won’t be heading to your landing page out of pity or goodwill. Make sure you offer something that is directly beneficial to the visitor and that you state the benefit in an easily comprehendible way (in bold, if necessary). Also, be sure you don’t make your visitor jump through multiple hoops to get their reward. Limit their required action to one simple step. If you want them to fill out a request form, make it short and sweet with only the bare essentials you need.

#4: Keep Them Engaged – Thank You Page

After your visitor completes their CTA, this should redirect them to the “Thank You” page where they can claim their incentive (an ebook, whitepaper, discount promo code, top ten list, etc.) and become further acquainted with your services. Your “Thank You” page is the last page your new lead will see until your next communication, so make it compelling.

#5: Follow-Up

Your visitor became a lead by doing everything you asked. Congratulations! Now don’t let them fall through the cracks. Follow up in a timely fashion with the next action step you want out of them. Whether this is an email, phone call, or some other form of interaction, make sure you are strategic in your communication.

As a bonus point, don’t forget to test, test, test! Whether you have coworkers, friends, family, or others look at your landing page, be sure you have other eyes scour it. This can provide helpful feedback about how easy your action steps are or how professional the page layout is.

And there you have it, five steps to a great landing page. If you would like to learn more about creating quality CTAs, landers, and “Thank You” pages, let us know! We at Enrollment Builders will be happy to help bolster these items to increase your lead generation!